Part 4, Wiring up the electronics

This is a series of videos showing you how to build your own robot, from start to finish, step by step.

Week 4 - Wiring up the electronics

Connecting wires to the motorshield Range Finder Connecting the motors Connecting the battery Pinouts Other options (Line follow, bluetooth, gyros)

Here is a link to the Keynote presentation as shown in the video.

What you’ll need for week 4

For this week’s Wiring up the electronics session you will need:

Arduino Pinouts

Arduino Pinouts diagram

ATmega328P Pinouts For reference the ATMega chip (which is used by the Arduino) are detailed in the diagram below. You can build your own Arduino - you will need a couple of parts:

ATMega328p pinouts

Range finder

Measure Distance

The HC-SR04 has 4 pins:

hc-sr04 diagram

Connecting wires to the official Arduino motorshield

See the diagram below for wiring instructions.


Connecting wires to the Fundumoto motorshield

See the diagram below for wiring instructions.


Motorshield pin outs

Each motor shield manufacturer uses different pinouts:

  FunduMoto Motor Shield
Name Pin Pin
Echo Pin 8 -
Trigger Pin 7 -
Buzzer 4 -
Motor A 12 12
Motor B 13 13
Motor A Speed 10 3
Motor B Speed 11 11


You can complete the wiring by adding a bluetooth module.

Bluetooth diagram

For more information about adding bluetooth modules to SMARS - see this video